Search For More Plants View My Wish List Wish List Help Results 71 to 80 of 1136 Click on any of the results to view the corresponding Plant Information Page 71 Add To MyWish List Bronze Beauty Bugleweed Ajuga reptans 'Bronze Beauty' Plant Type: perennial Plant Height: 6 inches Flower Height: 8 inches Spread: 18 inches Sunlight: shade to partial shade A vigorous, low growing and spreading selection that features beautiful bronze tinged, green foliage; blue flower spikes appear... 72 Add To MyWish List Burgundy Glow Bugleweed Ajuga reptans 'Burgundy Glow' Plant Type: perennial Plant Height: 6 inches Flower Height: 8 inches Spread: 14 inches Sunlight: shade to partial shade A vigorous, low growing and spreading selection that features stunning scalloped, variegated green, cream and purple foliage;... 73 Add To MyWish List Chocolate Chip Bugleweed Ajuga reptans 'Chocolate Chip' Plant Type: perennial Plant Height: 4 inches Flower Height: 6 inches Spread: 18 inches Sunlight: shade to partial shade A beautiful evergreen, dwarf variety that presents delicious chocolate brown foliage and pretty blue flower spikes during late... 74 Add To MyWish List Mahogany Bugleweed Ajuga reptans 'Mahogany' Plant Type: perennial Plant Height: 4 inches Flower Height: 6 inches Spread: 24 inches Sunlight: shade to partial shade A beautiful low-growing ground cover that forms a dense mat of glossy, mahogany colored foliage that really catches the eye;... 75 Add To MyWish List Hollyhock Alcea rosea Plant Type: perennial Plant Height: 4 feet Flower Height: 6 feet Spread: 18 inches Sunlight: full sun A beautiful towering variety that features large, brightly colored blooms throughout the summer months; a low maintenance... 76 Add To MyWish List Blacknight Hollyhock Alcea rosea 'Blacknight' Plant Type: perennial Plant Height: 4 feet Flower Height: 6 feet Spread: 24 inches Sunlight: full sun Featuring deep black-purple flowers on towering spikes in midsummer; tolerant to the natural toxin formed by the roots of Black... 77 Add To MyWish List Spring Celebrities™ Crimson Hollyhock Alcea rosea 'Spring Celebrities Crimson' Plant Type: perennial Plant Height: 20 inches Flower Height: 30 inches Spread: 24 inches Sunlight: full sun Beautiful, deep crimson double blooms on a more compact plant; this biennial is tolerant to the natural toxin formed by the roots... 78 Add To MyWish List Gold Strike Lady's Mantle Alchemilla 'Gold Strike' Plant Type: perennial Plant Height: 18 inches Flower Height: 24 inches Spread: 24 inches Sunlight: shade to full sun A striking, free flowering variety producing bright chartreuse blooms among the velvety gray-green scalloped foliage; has a very... 79 Add To MyWish List Thriller Lady's Mantle Alchemilla 'Thriller' Plant Type: perennial Height: 18 inches Spread: 18 inches Sunlight: shade to full sun A mounded selection that features tiny chartreuse star shaped blooms and light green, scalloped foliage; low maintenance, and... 80 Add To MyWish List Alpine Lady's Mantle Alchemilla alpina Plant Type: perennial Height: 7 inches Spread: 12 inches Sunlight: shade to partial shade Billowy sprays of chartreuse flowers and velvety scalloped leaves add magnificent texture to shaded areas; foliage has silver... << 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 >> Site Map | Site Map XML A NetPS Plant Finder tool