Search For More Plants View My Wish List Wish List Help Results 51 to 60 of 255 Click on any of the results to view the corresponding Plant Information Page 51 Add To MyWish List Dura Heat River Birch Betula nigra 'Dura Heat' Plant Type: tree Height: 50 feet Spread: 45 feet Sunlight: full sun This selection is valued for its stunning bark, with white, brown and tan colors all peeling from mature trunks, denser crown and... 52 Add To MyWish List Dura Heat River Birch (clump) Betula nigra 'Dura Heat (clump)' Plant Type: tree Height: 50 feet Spread: 45 feet Sunlight: full sun This variety is valued for its stunning bark, with white, brown and tan colors all peeling from mature trunks, multi-trunked... 53 Add To MyWish List Heritage River Birch Betula nigra 'Heritage' Plant Type: tree Height: 60 feet Spread: 45 feet Sunlight: partial shade to full sun An excellent cultivar of the native river birch selected for its amazing peeling bark in colors of white, brown and tan, more... 54 Add To MyWish List Heritage River Birch (clump) Betula nigra 'Heritage (clump)' Plant Type: tree Height: 60 feet Spread: 45 feet Sunlight: partial shade to full sun A multi-trunked form of the native river birch selected for its amazing peeling bark in colors of white, brown and tan, more... 55 Add To MyWish List Shiloh Splash River Birch Betula nigra 'Shiloh Splash' Plant Type: tree Height: 30 feet Spread: 15 feet Sunlight: partial shade to full sun A visually stunning pyramidal to oval variety; smaller green leaves have wide irregular white margins; peeling bark exposes the... 56 Add To MyWish List Paper Birch Betula papyrifera Plant Type: tree Height: 60 feet Spread: 35 feet Sunlight: partial shade to full sun The king of the northern birches, with snow-white peeling bark and gold fall color; needs adequate moisture and well-drained... 57 Add To MyWish List Clump Paper Birch Betula papyrifera '(clump)' Plant Type: tree Height: 50 feet Spread: 35 feet Sunlight: partial shade to full sun Stunning multi-stemmed form of paper birch shows off snow-white peeling bark and gold fall color; needs adequate moisture and... 58 Add To MyWish List Renaissance Oasis® Paper Birch Betula papyrifera 'Oenci' Plant Type: tree Height: 50 feet Spread: 30 feet Sunlight: partial shade to full sun This exceptional selection features bright white peeling bark at an early age, and golden-yellow fall color; shows greater... 59 Add To MyWish List Renaissance Reflection® Paper Birch Betula papyrifera 'Renci' Plant Type: tree Height: 40 feet Spread: 30 feet Sunlight: partial shade to full sun This exceptional selection features snow-white peeling bark and gold fall color, shows greater heat tolerance than the species,... 60 Add To MyWish List European Birch Betula pendula Plant Type: tree Height: 40 feet Spread: 25 feet Sunlight: partial shade to full sun Popular in Europe, this species often plays second fiddle to its cultivars and paper birch, yet is an outstanding ornamental with... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 >> Site Map | Site Map XML A NetPS Plant Finder tool