Search For More Plants View My Wish List Wish List Help Results 51 to 60 of 183 Click on any of the results to view the corresponding Plant Information Page 51 Add To MyWish List Weeping Laburnum Laburnum x watereri 'Pendulum' Plant Type: tree Height: 15 feet Spread: 10 feet Sunlight: partial shade to full sun A breathtaking small accent tree with pendulous, almost cascading branches; long wisteria-like chains of bright yellow flowers... 52 Add To MyWish List Tuliptree Liriodendron tulipifera Plant Type: tree Height: 90 feet Spread: 50 feet Sunlight: full sun One of the tallest native trees of eastern North America, features uniquely shaped leaves and large yellow tulip-shaped flowers... 53 Add To MyWish List Amur Maackia Maackia amurensis Plant Type: tree Height: 25 feet Spread: 30 feet Sunlight: full sun An attractive and rare small tree with so much to offer - showy upright spikes of white flowers in mid-summer when few trees... 54 Add To MyWish List Black Tulip Magnolia Magnolia 'Black Tulip' Plant Type: tree Height: 20 feet Spread: 10 feet Sunlight: partial shade to full sun An impressive magnolia selected for its lovely, deep burgundy-red tulip-like flowers, emerging in spring before the leaves; a... 55 Add To MyWish List Butterflies Magnolia Magnolia 'Butterflies' Plant Type: tree Height: 20 feet Spread: 18 feet Sunlight: partial shade to full sun An exquisitely beautiful magnolia whose flowers are among the truest yellow of all hybrids; a small tree or large shrub with a... 56 Add To MyWish List Elizabeth Magnolia Magnolia 'Elizabeth' Plant Type: tree Height: 35 feet Spread: 25 feet Sunlight: partial shade to full sun A hybrid magnolia selected for its lemon yellow cup-shaped blooms in spring; neat habit of growth and large, coarse leaves, will... 57 Add To MyWish List Galaxy Magnolia Magnolia 'Galaxy' Plant Type: tree Height: 30 feet Spread: 25 feet Sunlight: partial shade to full sun A can't-miss accent tree for home landscapes, smothered in large purple-pink flowers in mid-spring, showy for miles around; a... 58 Add To MyWish List Genie Magnolia Magnolia 'Genie' Plant Type: tree Height: 13 feet Spread: 6 feet Sunlight: partial shade to full sun A stunning, compact magnolia with a long, spring to summer blooming season; sweetly scented maroon-purple blooms with... 59 Add To MyWish List Lois Magnolia Magnolia 'Lois' Plant Type: tree Height: 30 feet Spread: 20 feet Sunlight: partial shade to full sun A stunning magnolia that produces luminous yellow blooms that pale as they mature; a small tree or large shrub with a conical... 60 Add To MyWish List Sunsation Magnolia Magnolia 'Sunsation' Plant Type: tree Height: 20 feet Spread: 15 feet Sunlight: partial shade to full sun An exquisitely beautiful magnolia with yellow blooms that are striped with pink; a small tree or large shrub with a tidy form and... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 >> Site Map | Site Map XML A NetPS Plant Finder tool